My journey

My quest to help others began with the idea that if I became an eye doctor, I could improve people’s vision by providing them with the right prescription. Years later, however, I realized that a better vision could not be obtained with a new pair of glasses, but with the expansion of one’s consciousness.

As a Biology student, I got the opportunity to travel to the Peruvian Amazon and do research on visual health and blindness prevention in three indigenous communities. During this time, I was able to work day and night with Shamans who taught me about their life perspectives and healing approaches. This experience completely changed the course of my life and made me question a lot of things during the coming years. 

After I obtained my Bachelors in Biology, my health began to decline. I made constant visits to the ER, Urgent Care, Gastroenterologists, Chiropractors, which led to endless medical bills and only temporary reliefs in some of my symptoms. What I didn’t realize is that my body was trying to get my attention on matters that I could not see.

After I obtained my Master’s degree in Communications from FIU, I realized that even though I had greatly improved my communication strategies with others, I still could not communicate with myself. 

As I began my healing journey, I started to improve my communication with myself by practicing self-compassion, self-love, and forgiveness. I began to look at my life through a different lens. I became a firm believer that we are not destined to be prisoners of our past experiences, thoughts, or emotions, and that we all have the power to heal our body, mind, and spirit. The lessons from The Shamans started to make sense and new mentors, experiences, and people started to align with me. 

As I continued to walk this path, I became a certified SAAMA Therapist and began to integrate everything I had previously learned. I expanded my knowledge about Human Biology, Quantum Physics, Homeopathy, Biogenetics,  Biodecoding, Intuitive Healing, Meditation, Shadow Work, Yoga, Reiki, Akashic Records, Inner Child Healing, Transgenerational Healing, Essential Oil therapy, among other modalities. Soon enough, I started to support others who, like me, were ready to embark on their own healing journey. 

Looking back at all of my experiences and hard decisions, I understand they were all necessary to help me find my true calling. My hope is that, through my healing therapy sessions,  I’m able to help my clients look at their life through a different lens and find the clarity and freedom they need to live a fulfilling and purposeful life.