What Does SAAMA Mean?

The word SAAMA means "sunrise" in the Mayan language.

What are some examples of things SAAMA Therapy can help me with?

·       Promote a sense of Wellbeing and self-awareness

·       Relaxation and Stress Management

·       Pain Relief/Management

·       Physical Recovery Process

·       Grief Support

·       Life Transition Support

·       Sexual Trauma Support

·       Emotional Trauma Support

·       Breaking old patterns

Does SAAMA only work on people?

SAAMA® benefits any living being so it can be applied to people, animals, and plants.

Is SAAMA part of a religion?

SAAMA® is not a religion. SAAMA® works with energy, vibrations, and with the intention of love.

Is long-distance therapy as effective as in-person therapy?

SAAMA® works just as well in person as it does remotely.

Do you use any form of equipment in your sessions?

No, we work at a Quantum level so we do not require the use of instruments, drugs, hypnosis, or muscle manipulations.

How do I prepare for a session?

Drink lots of water in the days leading up to the session to ensure that you are properly hydrated and open to receiving healing.

How can you do the healing without me being present?

Since we work at a quantum level, we ask for permission to connect to your energy and unconscious mind, in order to find all the discording vibrations that may be creating blockages in your energy, thus creating problems at a physical, mental or spiritual level.

What can create energy blockages?

Most of the time, these blockages are linked to emotions from past lives, ancestors, childhood trauma, or current life circumstance. They can also be created by external energies such as energetic entities attached to your aura, or negative vibrations sent by other people, both intentionally or unintentionally.

How do energy blockages affect us?

Our body is like a river of free-flowing energy. When there is a blockage, the energy cannot flow properly. As a result, we may start somatizing these blockages in different ways, at a physical, mental, or spiritual level. We may get a rash, or headache, or get triggered by something that is directly, yet unconsciously, linked to an emotion.

What is a Healing Crisis?

It’s the process in which the body, the mind, and the spirit are released!

As trapped emotions are unblocked, toxins and wastes are also released from the body. This sometimes makes the pain and symptoms worse, but this process is temporary and necessary for definitive healing.

Physical reactions experienced during a healing crisis may include skin rash, nausea, vomiting, headache, drowsiness, insomnia, fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, colds, crying, increased body temperature, etc.

A healing crisis usually lasts for about one to three days, but if the client's energy or vitality is low, it may last a little longer. However, the symptoms of the healing crisis with SAAMA, if any, are much milder than with other healing therapies.

At this time, the body needs a lot of water and rest.