SAAMA is a Bioenergetic and Quantum Therapeutic System created by Veturian Arana which integrates multiple healing techniques from Quantum Medicine (Reiki, Energy Matrix, Quantum Touch, Chinese Medicine, Biodecoding, Shamanic Healing, etc.) and Western Medicine (Anatomy, Physiology, Epigenetics, Neuropsychology, Pathology, etc.) During a SAAMA therapy, a connection with the Unconscious is made, in order to find the root cause of all the blockages that are preventing the normal flow of Qi (people's vital energy). Once the blockages are identified, they are instantly and painlessly corrected, allowing Energy to flow in a healthy way throughout the physical, mental, and spiritual body.
These therapies can be done long-distance and do not require the use of instruments, hypnosis, or muscle manipulations. The clients can go about their day while the therapy is taking place and is notified of the results after it has been completed.
If you want to know more about this revolutionary healing method, visit the official SAAMA website for more information.